Plasma official best thread winner 2024

you had already seen that random youtube video? seriously?

not the actual clip but that quote

i linked it to you because I thought it was relevant information that you might actually be grateful to learn, trying to show you WHY i'm saying and believing the things I am at this moment

instead you just scorn me

like okay bro, I was just trying to show you why someone might think trump was sending insurrectionist dogwhistles

you can still not believe it was true, i was just trying to show you additional context. my motivation wasn't even to be "right", literally just to show you something that I thought you would find interesting and relevant.

oh okay you didn't ask me for an interpretation like a wise ass. You were just being gracious.

i could have phrased it better for sure but yeah that was actually my intention

i thought I was showing you something important and relevant to the discussion, information you were not privvy to. that's all.

I could see why people think that might be a dogwhistle. I just don't. I have less respect for his intention than that.

When I imagine Trump dogwhistling to Christians about ending elections, I imagine him saying some shit like, "nobody had to vote for Jesus. did you know that? not many people realize that but I do. you know. Nobody voted for the guy. it wasn't necessary."

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I might dye my hair if Trump wins because when he gets back in the news in Japan and the kids notice we have the same hair color, I am fucking doomed.

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would the youngins in japan find that cringe or based

neither. it would just be teasing ammo. and to be the mature adult I would have to play along. god the horror. please kamala slay him

i dont know how much it will actually sway electoral trends in practice but the calling conservatives weird angle is getting everybody fired up

it helps that JD vance is an especially weird person

just load the swing states with ads about roe v wade, trump trying to steal the election, and conservatives being weird about minorities.

It's sad but I think that gives them a better chance than campaigning on like, clean energy and labor lol. Sad but true.

nothing wrong with it and nothing for them to be ashamed of

they tried "you go low, we go high" twice and once lost and the other time barely won what should have been an easy victory


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so you're suggesting that trump is saying he will do SUCH a good job that literally everyone will vote for him and therefor THIS voting block doesn't need to turn out because even if only the dems and other such parties vote they will be voting for trump? do i have this right

Not exactly. I think he very plainly just said that this block doesn't like to vote, but the country will be fixed by the end of his term so they won't need to vote in the next one. It's super dumb to think that is how the world works but that's Trump.It sounds like he's just bragging as usual and not implying an end to elections. To me anyway.

arent christians one of the most reliable and active voting blocs though? that doesn't make sense