Plasma official best thread winner 2024

Oh yeah. But in the church they like to pretend they aren't playing politics. I understand what he is getting at. Many Christian conservatives maintain that they are apolitical and just have to participate this time to stop an extra dangerous threat.

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do you understand that functionally if it's not what i just said, then it's absolutely that there would be a change or removal of "election process" implied?

and that BOTH sound fucking crazy?

a shocking number of churches dropped that act in recent years and started explicitly evangelizing for trump but im sure that varies by region

No I don't understand that. I think Trump is dumb and thinks he can tell them he's going to fix it so good they don't have to call him again like a plumber.

so you're saying that trump is saying he will fix the country "so good" that anybody can be president next election - it won't even matter! it can be anyone!

he just needs one(two) really good term and the country is FIXED for all future presidents!!!

Yeah I actually do think that lol.

yeah i think we've figured out who's crazy

to me it clearly implies they won't have to vote anymore, either because the process is no longer a thing or because the large amount of brown people that voted democrat he forcefully deported will swing things in red favour forever

Yep. This is Trump here lol.

sounding like...

i mean i'm not going to disagree that he could be that delusional

let me put it this way, that is so fucking delusional he might as well also be delusional enough to think he can end elections

I think the latter is a much more reasonable thing to think he is implying. I'm gunna fix the border so good, deport the illegals so good, cut the taxes so good, irregulate the everything so good, that you won't have to worry about voting next time. I know that sounds stupid but HE IS STUPID lol

I know there are those videos around of Trump supporters being for Trump basically being King. But I wonder how much approval there really is amongst all republican voters for ending elections and just having permanent Trump.

i think the emphasis is heavily on the deporting people, and not just illegals. he hinted as much during the RNC and promised deporting people would be a ‘day 1’ priority.

not sure it has to be one or the other, he is being about as openly fascist in his language as he can possibly get away with

appealing to his stupidity doesnt do it for me because his handlers/advisors may not be stupid.

he got scarily close to overturning the election in 2020, has already said the “only way” dems can win is cheating + saying they are already cheating

everything about his language suggests he isn’t done and he deserves the benefit of the doubt from nobody

sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction and just because it sounds insane by no means disqualifies it as a possibility


I really wish he had plainly said the words "I promise to end all elections"

Can you imagine the shit he'd say when defending that?

"You see the elections are fraudulent okay? Everyone says so. Everyone knows it. I walked into the voting booth and said, 'wow this is so fraudulent.' So I will end those fraudulent elections. Not all elections. All the fraudulent ones right now. We will have new great elections. Everyone knows they'll be great."

strange how easy it is to picture him saying this..