Plasma official best thread winner 2024

you are now thinking about donald trump saying "femcel fatwa, femcel fatwa" in your head

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Finally caught up on the thread.

That was a great argument, thank you Huber and Insom

Huber with the uncharacteristically sensible posts and gets called a centrist. Delightful. You guys are really holding up the website while the goys are gone

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Google the british fucking empire bro.

YNS lives a poorer area of boston tbh

he lives where movies like The Departed and Mystic River are supposed to be set

Funny how this guy was going around the whole thread calling everyone stupid and misinformed but cba to do a basic search of what's going on with the ear

Ear image in there btw yns

Evidently the doctor was saying he was grazed by the bullet, not pierced. No damage to the cartilege

In this case it makes sense medically to see a lot of blood initially but a fairly healed-looking ear shortly after

the photo does darken around the area people would be lookin for too. they should be circulating a brightened version atleast

(dailymail btw)

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Watched this whole video, I recommend to YNS

Basically a Thomas Sowell theory that black underachievement is due not to IQ differences but cultural differences (quote: There's no gangster rap in Germany)

Watching this one next

Truth is Trump is genuinely funny

Unfortunately the embed sucks. No 2x and loading issues

needing to watch videos at 2x is a red flag. name one normal person who does it


Don't watch videos. Read the book. Possibly use an audible credit if that's an option.

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Reading the book of Donald Trump's roast at 2x speed

you don't speak for all white people

i get the argument on why immigrants are bad for the first generation, but their children are usually better citizens than native americans because they have to try harder to incorporate the values. that's why so many indian people get involved in the college arts scene etc, white people have built up too much wealth and prefer to sit on the golfcourse talking about sports

the great thing about the internet is that everyone gets to pretend they're smart

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nah the immigrants 2nd generation cost even more in finland there was some study. While native citizens were almost always were a net benefit

how much each hooman worth to state

"a study", "a scientist". show me your source. most of these have skewed samplesets

also lmao at 'net benefit'. didn't know we were valuing human life based on their input to the economy.

what was the 'net benefit' of some of europe's greatest thinkers? i used to like the paintings of van gogh until I saw his investment portfolio


Chapter 2 The integration outcomes of migrants in Finland
