@bug do you like this
Unfortunately my own experiences speak differently to this and I can say without a doubt black differences are definitely based on lower IQ. They just are not as smart as white people innately
She was always of Indian heritage. And she was only promoting Indian heritage - I didn't know she was black. Until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don't know, is she Indian or is she Black? But you know what - I respect either one. I respect either one.
Frankly, I don't believe you
Ur dumb if u think there’s a gotcha here
Hm yes the woman who went to an HBCU and was in a black sorority has only recently claimed to be black yes yes of course
She's not black. If she can say the N-word I can say it too
ok, so you're linking a study by OECD Economic co-operation and development, and expecting no bias? these people rig up stats so that they can inflate their laborforce etc. also did you even read the study you posted.
Integration pathways also differ quite markedly between migrant groups.
Figure 2.10 illustrates the extent to which immigrants arriving from Estonia
integrate relatively rapidly into the Finnish labour market. From their first
year in Finland migrants from Estonia experience the smallest employment
penalty – with an employment rate trailing comparable natives by just 22
percentage points, much lower than for most other migrant groups. In the
ensuing years, Estonians manage to close the gap with native born Finn’s such
that, after 15 years in Finland, their employment rates are just 2 percentage
points below native-born Finns. Part of this Estonian integration success may
be related to language. Indeed, Finnish and Estonian are both Uralic languages
and, as such, the linguistic difference between the two languages is smaller.
Obtaining proficiency in Finnish tends to be much easier for Estonians than
for other migrants.
Migrants arriving from EU15 countries
your own study disproved you. i've never met a redneck quite so stupid.
also really shoddy citations on the study at large. it's 27 pages and only 10 references? they also quote OECD several times in these references, which is themselves. imagine I wrote a study saying immigrants dont contribute to the environment and cited myself, you'd laugh me away
However, another source quotes a tweet by @RobCarryBray, which states that migrant workers generate around 950 million in tax revenue per year, but this won't cover the accommodation bill for international protection (IP) and Ukrainians alone, never mind the medical bills, social welfare payments, children's allowance, and legal costs. This implies that migrants might be a net loss financially in Finland.
migrants are a net loss on these societies. They take way more free stuff from teh state then they provide. They cause crime.
Its not racism its just an autist looking at stats
Unemployment persistence among second-generation immigrants
This is for sweden but same difference
why does money determine someone's worth? that's the most fucked up take I have ever read
would you kill your child after losing their job at wendy's?
maybe you would. nothing surprises me on this site