This isn't a gotcha, but what is the negative outcome of that 7 million increase in 7 years?
btw the yen has strengthened 18 yen worth vs the dollar in just a week or so. Fucking amazing. FINALLY. Just like 25 more yen or so and life can be back to normal. That probably won't happen though.
The number of people in a given area significantly changes how it feels to live in that area (cultural difference arguments aside)
I don't care. You shouldn't get to say more people can't live there just because you don't like the way it feels. The way I see it anyway.
What about in your house? In your yard? Should you (personally) be allowed to say more people can't live there with you in your bedroom just because you don't like the way it feels?
What an insult
Let the government bring as much as they want they should double it to 2 million. As long as they build sufficiently for them it's fine. I can cash out and say fuck this place
Measurable decreases in the quality of life as GDP per capita falls.
bro so many things, you canteither believe me or not
you honestly dont see whats unsustainable about increasing our population almost 20% in 7 years? when we already had a homeless crisis and houses cost like a million dollars?
literally 95% of canadians are against immigration at this point, even ones like me who used to support it. our country is literally falling apart.
not to mention our schools, hospitals, and roads are all holding more people than intended
12 hour waits at the ER
40 kids in classroom
just so many things dude
literally every major city has homeless people everywhere, probably 5-10x more than they used to be in my childhood
i dont hate the homeless, it's just a sign of the times
our system cannot handle and was not designed for this many people
it turns out it's not easy to match 1 million people en masse per years in the equivalent amount of skilled people to help the country cope with this influx
bro its not about me not liking the way it "feels" our country LITERALLY CANNOT HANDLE IT
the average wait time at an ER is like 12 hours here
if you cannot see the logic in what i'm saying and are trying to strawman me into making a "feels" or "vibes" or "i dont like brownpeople" thing is just crazy bad faith and stupid
im not arguing about this anymore you guys are fucking annoyingiJSOZD:JSD{OKS{DOL
it's so nice that you don't care that our country is falling apart because of a failed policy they are unwilling to reverse
i'm glad you feel that way thanks for sharing
dont mind me, just gotta nip down to the grocery store for $75 of groceries for the next 2 days. gotta make sure not to run over any homeless people on the way. and if I save up $300, I might be able to fill up my tank!
fuc yeah
His country is falling apart but for completely different reasons.
not to mention part of the argument is it's also a disservice to the PEOPLE COMING HERE
if they expect xyz and instead get a failed country. im not just arguing from my own perspective.
you guys are really the worst with just puttinjg shit in my mouth and then saying "WHY DO YOU THINK ___ INSOM????"
If you hadn't been a libtard you wouldn't be having this problem.
like I know someone who almost died in an ER because they had an acute injury and nobody saw them for 10 hours
it's not just about fucking "feels"