Plasma official best thread winner 2024

You really seem to dislike white people despite being white yourself. Have you ever thought about killing yourself

Not my country don't care, no loyalty to this land. Just outside observer keking

Ez close the borders and pay bitches to be baby factories. Done. Its cheaper in the long run too. But very very racist

I'm keking

  • Kek
  • Shrek
0 voters

I saw this video and felt it was very relatable to here (US). Most dilapidated places donā€™t have many scapegoats to reduce their uneasy feelings on the future so these sad fucks often chalk it up to one specific race or group. even if itā€™s usually wildly inaccurate, because itā€™s easier to wrap your head around than blaming your own people and very implicit causes like low birth rates etc

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Kek over shrek anyday. Thatā€™s the non normie test right there

Go make a YouTube video called "making friends in Chicago's unfriendliest area".


Thatā€™s my point. Iā€™d experience similar strife and for similar reasons. Go to a now shit place and talk to the people who canā€™t leave it. If you seem like an outsider youā€™re simplified to ā€œpart of the problemā€

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Similar strife? You'd be some combination of robbed raped and killed.

Iā€™ve been to those areas and havenā€™t had more than threats in my face by a few particular ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  Sounds silly but I do believe we are splitting hairs here when one place is just staunchly more ā€œanti rights; we own youā€ and will bust your shit down regardless of location. I am definitely treated like a tourist and alienated but itā€™s not that bad

Itā€™s obviously you have little experience with this stuff when you talk to a poc from these areas and they tell you the difference in litigation between a white guy being accosted and killed versus a black guy being accosted and killed

Aren't there statistics on these sorts of things

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Of course. The statistics say as much.

Go do it then. Go film random people minding your business in the worst area you can find and report back.

Tyler Olievera or whatever his name is already did this

Channel 5 has a good one too.

I think you should do it. Go take a few women along.

It's called breaking the cycle

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