Plasma official best thread winner 2024

You're a clown. Get a life.

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So at what amount of education to do you start getting negative returns -- what's the number of papers, books, lectures

At how many credit hours do you begin to regress

That depends on too many socioeconomic factors to feasibly measure.

they shouldnt have them. Women vote for open borders high taxes and chaos

Cop out low IQ response come up with something

The easiest answer would be anything past undergrad, bachelor's degree, etc...

You could have just named a number like a man with confidence -- you just quiver with nothing.

If you couldn't tell yet - I don't do numbers. I despise them, in every way.

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who is siteadmin

Just pick a number, it doesn't have to be right. Just be a Bayesian.


Well either way I just did above. Academia past undergrad will result in long term intellectual regression.

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Do you have any proof?

No. I know it when I see it.


is there a point at which you can return to positive returns? is that possible, or is it purely the educational system that makes it impossible

You know the lead singer of the Offspring has a PhD

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It corrupts your personality and identity too much. There is definitely a point of no return somewhere.

Yeah so does George Floyd.

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so you think all phds are irrelevant across board

So does Trayvon Martin...