Plasma official best thread winner 2024

your humor is stupid

I really think you're wrong because Chris reads all the patch notes and he's better at DoTA than you.

No, of course not - having a PhD does determine a degree of expertise and knowledge in your field, but that doesn't mean you're not an idiot.

chris has never been better at dota than nma

Chris is 100% better

I cannot name a single mana cost, cooldown, or damage value of any spell in DotA2.

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so people are just unavoidably idiots, the end

Burning Spear - 0 Mana Cost

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How much HP cost?

I didn't say or imply that at all!

You're a clown and so is Chris. Get a life.

you did, also it's true

i will also refer to this post anytime you try to claim being "serious" or try to assert that others lack moral character

in fact...


why indeed

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No seriously, what's wrong with that post?

i'm tired of being abused by your ironic (anti) pronoun culture, Vanilla_Town

i'm tired of it!

It's not ironic, it's a joke. Big difference.


its almost like i... no, no it couldn't be.
carry on

What are you trying to say? Seriously. Am I not allowed to make jokes anymore otherwise I can never be serious again?