Plasma official best thread winner 2024

No, they're not selfish but they are also not altruistic. They are ill, an anomaly of nature and a complete turn against God and all that is good. They need help.

"I'm so empathic I care more about my child being able to get bongo-care than my primal instincts", which should come to no surprise since these are the same people who commit suicide.

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Let's be honest here: Some of the world's greatest men never had time for children... Plato, Isaac Newton, Adolf Hitler.
Many more examples.

Cool I guess?

I would say those people still had the right to vote, maybe more than that even.

You know who had kids? Muhammad. I don't recall Jesus having any children.

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You know who did?

The Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II had a large number of children: between 48 and 50 sons, and 40 to 53 daughters –

Now that's primal instinct. Before all the inflation.

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Hopefully you can catch up with him if you really try.

You should get 1 extra vote for every 5 children.

Absolutely, so long as they are alive and the Phar' aren't paying your upkeep

I think solving the economic issues will definitely increase birth rates, but I just have a hard time believing it can bring the birth rates back to replacement level. I would never consider them selfish or anything. I am all for tons of government child care funding. I am just cynical about how effective it will be in the end.

There's like this giant landmass in the sea where they don't really have very strong economies yet the natives multiply like ants



What was the guy called that made videos where he like dissected valve game files looking for clues on the next dota patch

It was Matt something


Thanks Dondi

No problem Mr. Roben

Excuse me?