Plasma official best thread winner 2024


,??? What

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haters gonna say its AI

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While delegates are in Chicago for next week’s Democratic National Convention, they will engage in the typical pageantry and traditions: They’ll vote for their nominee, pose for photos with elected officials, and show off their state with cool buttons or themed hats.

They will also have the option of getting a free vasectomy or a medication abortion just blocks away.

They are doing it quite colorfully. Beyond the health center offering free vasectomies and medication abortions, another group, Americans for Contraception, will display an 18-foot-tall inflatable intrauterine device — a form of long-lasting birth control — near the United Center all week.

You're really partying at the DNC when you get an abortion in a converted school bus before heading off to hear Hillary Clinton speak.

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You should get one

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I would get my vasectomy done at a college football game not a political rally.

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Personally, I would feel most comfortable getting it done in a doctor's office with a stable foundation

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Girls these days much prefer men who take the time to get their birth control in order.

We need someone on the ground interviewing the line into the DNC vasectomy trailer.

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fair enough

you find the worlds least humorous man funny

think about that

Ur a Canadian vaccinated dog who bows to authority. The only things that are humorous to you are what you are told is funny by your masters

okay bro keep sitting there with a thin stream of drool hanging out of your mouth, hungover after your latest bender, opening up twitter, going to Elon Musk's profile, watching some absolutely dogshit unfunny meme, chuckling to yourself, and then sharing it here

who is the real npc here

Bark bark bark

I spend my time on polish cs servers now because I can't stand this country or the people here bark bark bark