Plasma official best thread winner 2024

How does it feel being the lowest class, poorest, dumbest, and most pathetic laughing stock member of this forum?

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I would rather hang out with Antdude than you, Plasma. That's how much of a loser you are.

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Ur from Egypt kek

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Plasma could probably find me and Chris a decent POS 3/4 though


you could join his team if you're still looking for a job.


eh nah i just hire cheap third world labour because no labour laws and NA is filled with a bunch of western sissy boy libs who never swung a hammer so they dont get it.

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Jones will work for third world rates.


Yeah but hes not top 100 on ladder.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has taken the stage at the Democratic National Convention.

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its onnrn?

oh snap lets go

cant wait to see the deranged amd unfunny ‘memes, the right beings after

dead babies is kind a vibe killer even tho abortion is the most important thing for a lot of voters

this is depressing

someone call Trump weird

(im jk these stories need to be heard)
it just sucks, babies and mothers dying sucks

where do I sit rank c b a s?

You've always been one of the forum's top and most important users.

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aw :blush:

The libtard brain -- is swayed by "health of the mother and child" type rhetoric to support the position of "available under any circumstances whatsoever". I live in the state with the most restrictive abortion laws and there's already a carve out for this. And there would be more carve outs, but the democrats think "carve outs don't go far enough", so they vote with the evangelicals and the law isn't changed.

They pushed Biden to 11:30PM because no one would be awake to watch him :+1:

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He won’t even be awake during his speech if it’s that late

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