Plasma official best thread winner 2024

Only one who might not be is nma

nmaGane is a leftist so he supports the brown people.

Coptic Christians of Asyut are commonly referred to derogatorily as Jews.

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They're all brown.

I dont think yns comprehended a single thing in the last 100 posts

I forgot to check the thread for a day and came back to 76 new posts and honestly thatā€™s a lot of reading that I donā€™t want to do

Give me the spark notes who is zog and who is based

I spent 10 minutes reading a Tablet magazine article and flipped out in here over it.

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Without Hamasā€™ horrific massacre, Egypt would probably not have gotten the international financial lifeline that has rescued it yet again from economic ruin.

Thank hamas for saving nma

I posted polls showing that most Americans jews are indeed pro Israel and Jones spazzed about me saying ceasefire

Wow sounds kind of based

Huber wants to dictate foreign policy based on what will get Kamala elected.

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And overwhelming majority of Jews are pro Israel I donā€™t even need a poll to know it. My source is my lived experience

Lived Experience (r*tarded West Coast Jews)

It makes sense that after the Oct 7th attack and all the media coverage that most jewish people would be pro Israel.

Iā€™ve been living in Boston and rubbing elbows with some of these east coast Jews too

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Sorry maybe you can tell me about the Alabama Jew perspective

You still didnt realize I meant elect Kamala to get preferable foreign policy. Not the other way around like you keep repeating

Are they r*tarded? After October 7th the quantum theorists were talking about 2-state still.

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