Plasma official best thread winner 2024

Yea let’s not elect Kamala though

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A) How is a ceasefire "preferable foreign policy" -- the problem is entirely domestic.
B) She's within the current administration!

I will sacrifice the entire Gaza Strip if it means Kamala doesn’t get elected

I’ve never voted in an election in my life it’s all zog shit anyways

It's very impressive how much money they managed to collect in 2024, and how it's all going to be spent the exact same way until they have to collect more bailouts.

Is it in the US's interests to force a ceasefire in Palestine and have Hamas form a joint government with the PLO? It's complete nonsense. You'd basically be recognizing Hamas as a legitimate government after they fucking rape raided Israel.

Are they not recognizing Russia as a legitimate government?

Stopping the Kids From Hecking Dying doesn't actually matter.

I still remember going to a Shabbat dinner shortly after oct 7th happened and I had to listen to 10 early 20s women complain about how their “progressive” friends who they protested with during BLM were all turning against them when it came to Israel

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Alabama Jews are all Sephardic so they're turbo right-wing.

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At least the non-transplant ones.

They don’t have Sephardic Jews in Alabama next you’re going to tell me the Alabama Inuits are all turbo right wing

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I wonder what the black hewbrew israelites think of all this

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I heard it in a Paul Gottfried talk.

i wonder what the dark iron dwarves think of this.


those arent real, egyptian

In 1943, the Alabama Legislature became the first American governmental body to pass a resolution supporting the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.


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They believe the white Jews are imposters

No wonder why you’re so zogged you’re the root of it

I bet they have like 10 verses bookmarked to explain the conflict though