pls vote -- itt;blog

Should clarify that for stuff like fat jdance pic you were probably right But I didn't process the flag and I was declined so system working as expected?

im too brain damaged to remember any flags i think were used well, and my general impression is that the feature shouldnt have been used in the majority of instances where it was used

people can already ignore the people they want to ignore

its like downvoting when we dont need downvoting; i dont give a shit what anybody else doesn't like reading, ignore it yourself, dont flag it for all of us

from my end i have to click it an extra time and i dont know who flagged it or who processed it, but this is what it looks like to me:

and my whole point is i cant remember any instance where i appreciated seeing this on any post

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Fair point I've never seen that outside of jdance spamming it

thread pretty much is this but i wanted to stop having the flags while also pleasing ■■■.

i argued it was only him who cared and he disagreed so this was the only way

less me trying to prove a point and

more me trying to make everyone happy

im sure dan sees the truth now

Yeah the others left a while back

Prolly lack of moderation

And that's not how the conversation went either I'd appreciate you not doing that

feel free to post the actual conversation. thats pretty much it

lol u cant just lose a poll and claim others would care? what others? bc this rly is most of the active voter base lolz

sigh i thought was being fair here but trumpers gonna trump

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Blogs are prescious insight to thoughts and emotions. They are serious.

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He's is fatphobic, clearly

He is is lol

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Dan I think you should continue to do what makes you happy.


I am thanks you too