POLL: Ban jdance for 1 (ONE) month?

The tribe has spoken

Ewiz please give me your torch

What’s with the commies all voting together like some communist bloc

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Nah, he’s self banned himself for two weeks

They know if they deviate from the “recommended opinion” they will be branded centrists and sent to Siberia

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Gonna be a pogrom for jdance sympathizers real soon

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Now I wanna go on another Survivor binge

He did it before the tribe said jack shit

Jdance will do anything to protect his ego

Time to ban ewiz

Including rape

Can we ban ewiz?

Last place In artishart tournaments gets a loser title or badge for 24 hours

Winner doesn’t need one (will always be me)

Unless you have a hidden immunity I’m afraid the tribe has spoken

Someone pitch a survivor series based around nadota to CBS

Like survivor but racist

Actually I am already running this for mafia moderator but the people I selected to participate are all boring and didn’t really do anything