
Don’t try to play me

Not once did I get a talisman invite in all the weekends I wasn’t doing anything smh

You don’t get anything

Don't you want to give them everything though?

The only woman I will ever care about giving everything to is my fiancé nyte

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How do you keep them around then?

Oh I don’t

I want like 4 wives. Don't think ur method works for that :/

Not at all but if you want multiple wives you have to give them space otherwise they will bicker and ruin your life

Right. 2 I can have a big apartment. 4 a big house.

As long as you provide space and security anything is possible

Well this entir Convo hasent helped. Thanks for trying though

Maybe Abit

Only has bitches looking at my profile and not at me. Sad

A bunch of gypsies caught the ball and u still couldn't convert it

not 1 interview

women literally given exactly what they want and still not happy. Do NOT LISTEN TO WHAMEN

i low how the whole hippy na ranger stuff degenerates to fat whites girls lolololol

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back out bro she aint into it.