Popcorn Mafia v2

Srs *

@sdadasdas shoot @SCSF

SCSF is town!

SCSF now has the gun and has 24 hours to shoot!

If scsf shoots me Iā€™m shooting gwez

2 left of 4

Big dick scsf will be glorious

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We lose in this misshot? I think you shoot epok

2 scum in 6 total players cmon nyte

epok gwez let's just end

lmao bruh ur not cleared yet

Why are you concerned about other people being cleared?

mytes acting like she did something

I think it's a scoom tell

Given that me and scsf are town cleared what are your rankings

@sdadasdas shoot @LuckyArtist

Lucky Artist is town!

Lucky artist now has the gun and has 24 hours to shoot!

Lol what a dummy

@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 1

@sdadasdas shoot nyte

@discobot roll 1d3