Popcorn Mafia

honestly i dont feel like playing day 1 while the ego fucker is holding a gun

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I ll join once he fucks up

That's a funny way of saying ignore me I'll ignore you

(just a reminder)
osiris, LBJ, nyte, hboz

Is faz actually upset or did faz give asoul the gun just so he could get upset? Hmmm

Iā€™m willing to clear sdaddy for a few shots, need more nyte posts tho so my new circle of sus becomes faz nyte and wolfy

Nah itā€™s a way of saying exactly what I said as I said it

can you tell me when/how/why did u start scumreading me?

You somehow started scum reading me so now I must throw you into the circle of sus until I figure out why

fair enuf

This post specifically, cuz if you truly cared about your reads you wouldnā€™t have me as scum

if im wrong on u it means i dont care about my reads?

is there a time limit on when gun blows up in asouls hands?

36 hours from daystart. days after that are 24

It means you arenā€™t putting in the due diligence you seem to be willing to put in to read me correctly

i understanding that ur saying it as an innocent/wholesome jest

im just in a srs mood rn so i cant rly respond in the same energy

i think that ur scum sorry if wrong

It isnā€™t even a jest
I truly believe that if ur good you wouldnā€™t suddenly put in on top 4 most scummiest this game after reading all my posts and comparing them to everyone elseā€™s

Put me in top 4*

fair enough, you can be town, and i appreciate the apparent respect that youre giving me so i understand how you feel if you are town

i cant help but think ur scummy cuz of these 2 posts linked here

i feel like they are way too diplomatic / lack-of-putting-your-foot-down a la sdasdasdas so it crosses over my personal treshold for scummyness

Weird post. Admitting that he did indeed slip somewhere?

The implications of calling someone scum this game on day 1 is that they are in the bottom 1/3 of showing they are town or top 1/3 of showing they are scum

I refuse to believe you can make that judgment on me if you are truly as committed as you say

Based on something like 2 posts of me being ā€œagreeableā€?