Popcorn Mafia

Yes, except you are scum this game and it is fairly transparent

Ok go find my 3 partners then

lucky youre scumreading both me and faz and youre talking to us as if we're town

like "u guys are town, but youre wrong on me, so lol @ u"

but im confbiasing now and i promised not to tunnel so i wont continue

Dont worry I'll find them too

i think i will be able to get much more information off of:
reactions when someone is told that they will be shot
interpretations/teamreads/appeals when it is revealed that someone is mafia/town

as of right now there is zero discriminatory basis between alignments. if you point a gun at someone at least as i remarked earlier mafia definitely doesnt want to get shot no matter while town would be much more cool with it. and after youve shot people will scramble to justify their earlier reads, etc. and also mafia knows who their partners are and might make efforts to protect them

so before you take an action or any indication is made of the action being taken all reads basically are first-order "i think u sounds scummy" and nth order "i think its scummy that u think that sounds scummy". but after a shot is made or a shot is proposed at least there is some logical basis i can work off of

In this setup it’s important to try to townclear over scum clear so that when you end up with the gun you aren’t firing half cocked

how does this have ANYTHING TO DO

with the fact that you're talking to your scumreads as if they're town?

literally anything?

Because when I get the gun I reread these interactions and can come to a full conclusion

There’s other reasons but I’m not going to reveal them because it won’t work if everyone knows

Lucky the difference between last game and this game is that this game you have a scum agenda

Pray tell what is my agenda

Scum agenda


Also me interacting with everyone as though they are scum leads to toxic games and people don’t want that

thats fair

im sorry if i wasnt fair with the arguments i brought against u

i was just being honest and confbiasing, regardless of whether or not im right

It’s fine dude just know everything you say can and will be used against you once I’m holding that big stick

@faz you scumread both lucky and wolfy 100%?

So you think the lucky / wolfy interaction is s / s ?

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(i shouldnt interject and let ppl talk etc etc sorry not sorry but i dont think faz genuinely scumreads me i think he just finds it amusing to say it / perhaps thinks he will get me mad and make me shoot him or something silly like that)

Nyte's only liking posts too


Maybe we all just let wolfy post and communicate with likes from there

nyte like this post if you scumread lucky and/or osiris

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