My why will be spent on what I do not know already.
There's this older guy who goes to the ■■■cing and he's always smiling and having a good time. I run into him out there in the middle of the floor (both of us with a female partner and grinning like maniacs) and it's kind of like a gay relationship I think
I ■■■ce with guys. Should've mentioned that in the gay competition. Gonna keep doing it even if you ban me
Zoomers too. I am an equal-opportunity ■■■cer. Zoomers never want to be their actual gender so each ■■■ce is effectively a gay ■■■ce.
yeah you are 100% more gay than me
there might be an argument to be made about "metrosexual" vs "gay" because that is frankly just metrosexual idiocy
Yeah "dancing" as a man in "America" might just be cope. Read too many books with Russian balls in them.
I don't think he's danced a single time in his life. it's just some inside joke he's pushing.
I recommend reading his reddit history if you want more details on his personal life.
If you want to roleplay like some 1800s European nobleman you should just move to forum favorite Georgia.
I didn't link anything.
For some reason Zoomer gender-bender women who are just slightly too young for it to be appropriate for them to be into me really love me.
I like gender-confused Zoomer women a lot better than MtF guys because it just feels a lot less like you're an unwilling participant in some weird porn addict's fetish
what percentage of them wear masks
not high
its just the older folk
id smash
I dance latin ■■■cing so if anything I'd move to Miami
metro szeual is good looking guy. dancing with other guys is some muslim/jew level shit
You guys just need to get with the times.
There's probably a lot of dancing done in bathhouses too.