Professional (Employed) Dota Players: PT. 1

That's the one. Everybody read this

read this read that fuck me man do i get credits for all this

Yes when we open the wong shop you'll get points if you can get 4/5 right answers on a quiz



in there any meat in that?

yea look at those thighs man

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gay people are just mentally ill psychos by and large

Fauci's handling of the CORONAVIRUS is most certainly colored by the inability to shutdown the bathhouses.

tahts some white trash american food there holy fuck

Observe the Site Admin in his natural habitat. When offered the opportunity to learn something new and expand his mind, he asks: Why?

Verily, I say unto you website posters: Witness the modern descendant of Socrates, standing here before you in the flesh.


Well, number one was the baths, because we knew that was the main source of AIDS transmission.
A gay man could pick up one or two partners in a bar, and they'd go off someplace to have their
fun. There were back rooms in the bars, in the baths, too. They were called orgy rooms, where ten,
fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty men were dancing around with almost no light, and of course, anything
happened there. That explained to us why a gay man would say, "I don't know who I got it from. I
never saw his face." That sort of thing.

Many members from the gay community were at that meeting. Bobbi Campbell, who was already
infected with AIDS, was standing at the back. I remember at least three members of the gay
community, nude, just with towels around them, holding signs that said, "Today the baths;
tomorrow the ovens." They meant that, if we let you close the baths on us, next thing you'll
quarantine us, then we'll be in jail, then you'll destroy us, like a Hitler. It was very, very extreme

Male homosexuality is an act of self-destruction, role-playing a glib facsimile of masculinity. In many ways it is like your posting here. Read the Surviving Gay post I shared, it lays it all out in plain english.

Even the so-called "married" gays are largely infidels and adulterers. There are very few gay "marriages" (between men) that remain monogamous (again, according to the sources - if any of you want to disagree first read the shit I linked)

They are also doing it again with Monkey Pox. It is a gay disease. But suddenly the Health Experts say it's Just Not Realistic to shut the bathhouses. Let's be honest. "Two years to stop the spread" worked when you had women to police the discourse. Now that you are dealing with a purely-masculine epidemic population, you have to change the rules to pretend you are still in control. Are you trying to convince the public of this lie, or trying to convince yourselves? It's the same as the situation when Nyte left this site.

Lol you guys act revelatory because you realize that gay people are bad but the truth is that god has hated ■■■■ since even before you were born

Reads like a slightly more gathered plasma

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if you've contorted your mind to think that "homosexuality" is the result of anything other than just "evil", than you've fallen into the devil's trap.

it's evil. simple as.

a lot of my core philosophy is simply to stop thinking. work from the most basic principles: ■■■, evil, dumb, and their opposites.

nmaGane plays 200 games of dota with chris over a month -> ■■■.
nmaGane makes some shitty flash game -> good.

homosexual people are "homoseuxal" beacuse of some mish-mash of biological, trauma, and social contagion -> evil and gay
homosexual people are "evil" -> good.

I really have no interest in why nmaGane is Chris' wife: he just is -> that is bad.

eh penguins have gay partners. Its not totally bad, its just beign pushed thats theissue.