Professional (Employed) Dota Players: PT. 1

I am sorry but all you have to do is look at @CulturedUrbanite liked posts. His most "liked" users are Plasma and Toprak - not a coincidence that both of them happen to be 30+ IQ points lower than what he claims himself to be.

It's a very clear image to anyone viewing it from the outside.

toprak would beat the shit out of thsi sand ■■■■■■ irl 100%

You should be sorry. More towards yourself rather than anyone else.

toprak: buys an ATV to ride around his turkish city
nmagane: buys an epic mount to ride around stormland

I understand that you're trying to participate in some sort of dog fighting sport, but it doesn't work when at least one of the parties are aware of it.
We all know your true beliefs and opinions (except toprak I suppose, he is happy to actually believe that this is his "big break") and are very disillusioned with this whole thing.

  • Team Nmagane
  • Team Toprak

0 voters

i am stuffing my face with baked potato after eating filet mignion atm

Roragok - Based Hidden By Cringeomunnity flags.


I had that yesterday.

If i was hiring for my kitchen. I would hire Nmagane as manager.

I would tresspass toprak

i need to set out a poolish for tomorrow

@anon26386432 thoughts??? tips??

toprak frankly just has a vitality that exists nowhere else on this site (bar numeta, plasmanation, perhaps krazykat, gamut).

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Nmagane: 135 iq

Toprak: 86 iq, developmentally disabled

Post of the decade right here.

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Picking low hanging fruit has always been your style I suppose, peaches - Jigglebilly - Khaliwear, and now Toprak.
At least you admit it, if these are the people you choose to identify with...

listening to deftones right now

got butter all over my hands brooo

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going to have to friend nyte on steam tonight

You guys exist in a weird positive personality feedback loop on teamspeak until you forget you are nothing

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there hasn't been a "teamspeak" in over 3 months

Not true.