I'm not saying you're a boomer, I'm saying I'm already successful.
I can sustainably play music, work 20 hours a week, and do whatever I want with the rest of my time.
For the rest of my life.
Even if my channel never gets any bigger than it is now.
And it keeps getting bigger.
gamut hype
Based gamit
jealous cuz chunky?
you miserable ginger cunt
Posting selfies online is associated with grandiose narcissism, which describes an overinflated ego and sense of importance, according to a survey of 730 individuals. The researchers also found that the norms of a cultural or geographic community can impact selfie-posting behavior on social media.
Man lately's been insane. Got raided by Herman Li again on 4/20, then by Andrew from Unleash the Archers and Phil from All that Remains. So many new folks hanging out every day.
Twelve hour stream Thurs let's GOOOOOOOO.
So on Canada Day, I got really drunk, climbed to the top of a 13 foot stripper pole, and stuck my hand in the ceiling fan. This quite fucked up my fretting hand.
That was over a month ago and I still can't guitar or drum. And because COVID fucked Ontario healthcare I still don't even know what's wrong with me. T_T
Thankfully the CERB is basically paid sick leave but god I miss my calling.
They say a torn ligament will take up to 3... months... to heal.
I feel like I'm gonna have to basically start over.
Get physucal therapy asap
keep shitting in this thread for a ban xd
Ok it just took a month and a half, we cool.
why dont you ever wear this hoodie on stream?
I did this.