Screen Worlds

I don’t have a career, I’m a professional musician.


At this point I cannot tell if he’s a parody of himself or what

its better advice than most society hating people will tell you.

instead they prob just teach you to get in debt via student loans, be so self defeating you hate getting up for work, and hope society collapses.

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enjoy jumping through hoops for the white-man so you can have pennies when society does collapse

when is society gonna collapse dude what

slowdive going all on the communist revolution hopefully it works out or in 15 years he’s gonna be FUCKED

you live in LA, don’t you have tent cities and hungry people who can’t get healthcare like hundreds of thousands of them

to be honest I’m about at that point too, ready to quit my job and start bumming it wishing for the communist revolution

maybe im thinking of adifferent society haha

google skid row

we also have the highest numbers of millionaires. The tent city shit is because of drugs, literally it’s because of drugs

no joke you remove drugs from the equation and like 90% of the tent city shit downtown is fixed and the remaining 10% is just the leftovers of deinstitutionalization

as someone who has bought drugs on skid row multiple times and sat around in alleyways smoking heroin down there it’s an issue caused by drug abuse. Everyone down there is on drugs or drunk

why are these people addicted to drugs though

i mean 90% or so who try the hardest drugs never get hooked

what? thats definitely not true

actually for heroine according to a low estimate 75% wont get “hooked”

yeah thats 25% of people who ever try it get addicted lol