
when I made fun of you for your "rose" troubles it was on the basis of your limited intelligence

That's true

see that's a large part of the issue with people here: instead of wanton violence and psuedo-witty quips they make judgemental holier than thou platitudes at people

I know I can't stand in for Nyte but I apologize

You’re an idiot

my "vitriol" is MUCH nicer than the often hypocritical garbage you morons attack with.

I said I'm sorry

see like this one:

number of people jones has attacked with a wrench: 0

number of people nyte has siphoned for money: 1

The truth is boring

do you know how mad I would be if someone put me 24k in debt without speaking to me at all about it

your wife must be dumb

but I make on average $600 a year~

Lol we bought it together

how do you make such a small amount of money

somebody sent me $600 last night

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for nothing

I got the impression that number was probably much higher

confirmed people

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the mere fact that i am her longest relationship leads me to believe its probably around 75% of them

jones is so mean to nyte!

you retards dont realize that this is what attracted her to me in the first place, she said so as much!!!!