Shut up

You're hella knowledgeable and interested in it I'm just curious

I just kinda assumed he had one

Osiris would make a dope ass college history professor

I'm pretty sure he does.

it’s such a shame this show didn’t have more battle scenes

Have you ever looked at the city wall around Istanbul on Google?
It's pretty damned impressive.

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i have one smiley face


first thing i did when i was back in the states permanently


unfortunately the humanities are a waste of time as far as careers go for the most part. unless you get a degree to teach it which is an age old pyramid education scheme lol



which is a real shame. I think the world would be a better place if more people were passionate about history

it’s really the best way to understand the world of today


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most people want to know interesting memes and factoids to reinforce their current beliefs. few people want to plow through huge texts of contemporary accounts, logistical data, and conflicting sources to actually get a grain of truth. it's why people enjoy movies like 300 and enemy at the gates

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i love david glantz but i would never recommend his books to anyone on this site. the sheer amount of raw data compiled to reach his conclusions is a slog the vast majority of people don't want to make for little gain outside of personal interest


people like easily digestible things like arrows on maps, names of generals, casualties from huge battles. people tend not to like researching how lacking soviet battallion level batteries in ammunition, how messy the movement in battles were compared to maps, or the huge preparations taken prior to the bloodletting

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Yeah I feel you, I think I’m somewhere
in the middle of those two examples

did you ever check out that youtube channel voices of the past? it’s nothing but a guy reading primary sources but it’s so well done and so enjoyable

Also you’d probably love the movie Andrei Roublev if you haven’t seen it

yea he's great it's a lot easier listening than reading

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