Shut up

I don't get it

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planes eat chicken?

Not pictured: Shoveled out his car in shorts and flip flops, put the oldest, most beat up beach chair in the spot to "reserve" it for when he gets back

Yeah I don't get the joke on that one.

■■■ changed he's way too bougie now

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high concept layered joke having ass

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It's too advanced a form of humor for this website. If you want to get a laugh try pretending to support hitler or something like a normal person

he should join the goyspeak

plenty of high brow time wasting to be had there

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Agreed. The best way to develop a sense of humor is to hang out with a bunch of virgins/societal outcasts and talk about race science / coding in rust

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yes but very high iq virgins/societal outcasts +toprak

Let's be honest. If they were high IQ they would be able to figure out how to get laid at least once in their 20s. It's not that complicated lol

Reaching 29, haven't spoken with a woman in 5 years: "Let me tell you about generics in Rust"

no iq to having sex results are a bell curve. goyclub is too smart to be actual functioning members of 'society'

society has flaws so they can't participate

You fell for the marketing 100%. This is just embarrassing

i should say we i was an honorary goy

no you did if you think being smart means anything besides being intelligent

Intelligent people don't flunk out of society sorry. The "intelligence" you're talking about is a propaganda mechanism whose primary target is actually the self - I insulate myself from accountability for my failures (and accompanying self-hatred) by creating this mythology around "intelligence," then, because the self-hatred is a rising tide with waves constantly pounding on these walls I have built, I invest more and more time and energy into reinforcing this myth (doing things like Coding In Rust) to protect myself, thus in some ways making it reality through my actions (at least to some unobservant observers, such as "Osiris"). But the truth remains: Intelligent people don't live life as societal flunkies, they reflect on, accept, and address their failures and move forward - and, in doing so, let go of a lot of these behaviors that are designed to reinforce the myth of intelligence (Coding in Rust), thus appearing to the unobservant observer (Osiris) to lose the perceived traits of intelligence