sidebar streams rigged?

sammy boy at top?

i understand gamut becuase he uses the site and bts cuz its all reruns but 193 sammyboy higher than masondota2 at 4852 and bsj at 1625?!??!?!?!?!!


wasnt sammyboy using the site awhile back


wait why is monkeynews, a EU wow player on the sidebar?

certain streamers highlighted at top. dan made the list i can update it tho

Knew it was Dan smh

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jiggle_youknow_billy,deafxrobot,slowdivexd,0Timado0,JabanoTV,Gamut,Roragok,SammyboyGG,ahmet97_12,dudeitskyloo,Gogey,kittens_x, notjones, paine1Q84,harodihg,offenseoftheancients

People who float to top

I trust your judgement

Yes here we favor our own kind. Relax.
Put me on the sidebar fams

i think only admins can change it, i actually tried changing it a bit ago to make it better but i couldnt figure it out.

soon ill have all power and ill make it great this website great again.

the way discourse works just seems so weird imo


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i'm the savior of all things

What's ur strim