Signaled [FINALE]

Nyte and BazingaBoy scum victory!


Excited to hear more about this.

This is the coolest mafia theory to come out of this game so far

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Sorry guys just catching up on the thread

Yeah we need a real game with real players.
And a setup that makes sense.

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Im town dumbass.

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You win. Congratulations!

:face_with_head_bandage: :hammer:

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As a mod it can be obvious sometimes.
If you want to know more send me a pm.

voce if reasib

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Congrats on your victory!

I think we should play a different game like Clue we're too low iq for mafia


you were never welcome on this site


Regarding Nyte's comments about Seth

I honestly have no idea who Seth is

His IP location doesn't match any of the "common suspects" (aka he's not from Ireland) and I tried the "is this a VPN IP" suggestion by NMA and it came back negative. As far as I can tell, appears to be a real person from a consistent place and not faking anything. I don't know anybody from that place who posted on this site before and I haven't heard about anybody running an elaborate prank to bring a person onto the site who knows mafia mechanics but pretends not to know Nyte is a woman.

Also not aware of any moderator activity to create and run bots to play mafia lol

I don't really care who chooses to use the site, it's not my business. People can do as they wish. The point where I was up in arms about pastel (responding to Nyte's other accusation) was that he was being smuggled into the Lounge despite us not knowing who it was and him not putting in the required time on the forum for us to be like, "Yea, this guy's cool, we want to include him in the discussions where we open ourselves up to doxxing"

As far as I know nobody (except Jdance, so nobody) is trying to smuggle Seth into the lounge and he's not really doing anything concerning on the site other than joining mafia games and being accused of being benny. Which as far as I can tell he isnt.

@mafiabot kill @big_ass with the candlestick in the ballroom.

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very hurtful comment

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Seth you can feel free to tell people in this thread where you are from (they seem curious) but I think it wouldn't be appropriate for moderators to comment on that or share that info without Seth's consent.

People are allowed to be from wherever they like on this website and dont have to make that info available to anybody.

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No I don't think a new user just happens to join right in the middle of an Epok email spam campaign. Even if he was really new - he can blame Dan for this.


I think it's probably another one of ■■■'s friends.

Or an obscure goy from a location we haven't catalogued - feel free to give us a catalogue of goy locations aside from Ireland, Egypt, and Alabama.