Signaled [FINALE]

Why cant we just get @Matticus to check the IP on him if you guys really want to know? My advice is to just permanently block all new fake accounts until they go back to their real accounts.

i somehow think it has more to do with epok and his weird control slash forum activity stimulation means, and less to do with anything matthew could or would do

so too with assoul, tho he probably has more interest in also creating some weird theatrics (he was only angered regarding "fake" accounts before because of the possibility of it literally being ewiz, motivated by his visceral reaction to said user. no other reason)

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Should I? I don't like doxxing people.

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I wouldn't call it doxxing to be honest.

Yes some people are only in it for their own selfish reasons, it's sad.

Is it really doxxing if we already know the person in question and he's just roleplaying hide and seek? He probably knows everything there is to know about us, it wouldn't be fair if we didn't get to know him a bit better...

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i mean, its really not hard to use vpns anyway

Might as well try.

Well I looked and told Nyte. I'll let her decide if she wants to spill the beans. But yeah, he could be using a VPN.


but judging by the posting habits of "seth" i think a vpn would be in use, personally

but maybe not.

Can't you just find out if its a public vpn ip by googling it these days?

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Fascinating move by matticus. The ball is now in your court.


i am very ignorant of network dynamics
i only know that in my time it has become quite clear through friendships and acquaintances that many people use them - and i never once thought to or had access until maybe very recently - and i just haven't, still.

ok cool story now who is it

Sorry about that

mattikus is sowing discord in the teamspeak


Seth is forever and permanently blocked. will burn in hell eternal.
