Signals: A Mafia Game by PassionForTrains (Signup)

also i have no affiliation with jdance the only thing i know about him is by sitting in cutedog_ and martypoe’s stream chats
also i know hes a faggot hud user lol!

Both of those people used huds

Your funny

yeah im aware that tsos and marty use huds once i found out i stopped watching them lol
dont know why u fuckers need hud anyway if ur running BC all day the layout is the same 3 ones every time

Do you guys use “Disconnect Scripts”?

depends on what you mean but pretty much only turbo faggot racers use autologout in softcore
in hardcore i imagine its a lot more common

Why are you so upset about a video game

just chillin

LMAO the one thing you can claim to be successful in is a video game that you had to fucking cheat in? You’re such a sad piece of shit

guys im a fucking beast skywrath i swear
sheeps u while alt tabbed
see im a fucking beast guys

Did not cheat in hardcore (as evidenced by my literally streaming all of it) and was multi rank 1.

I cheated playing in softcore to farm lots of currency more effeciently.

I dont know that I would call jdance a cheater - more of a rulebreaker and strict anti-authoritarian

I have moral lines like those of a heavily gerrymanded county. They’re not clear cut and easy to understand so most people find me erratic. Really I know just how to live life

Cheating in softcore - ok. Cheating in hardcore - not ok.

The lines aren’t clear but they are there.

Cheating in a softcore race event - not ok. After the race has been going for 2 weeks and first place has been claimed? Go for it.

People are so incapable of putting thought into things they just instantly express that all forms of cheating are bad and fail to explain why

Why would you even cheat then? That’s like going to chess tournaments and only cheat in warm-up games.

Because he knows he’s wrong and is just trying to justify it now

I was legitimately gathering data