Simple Shootout - Game thread

i fake claimed being given a gun to bait out another person into claiming gun.

only you claimed. shouldve been two claims

if anyone else claims to be gunsmith you have no proof that you're not red smith

only thing i can assume since no one fucking posts is that ur mafia buddy gave u a gun, i also gave u a gun

rules state only 1 gun at a time

the fact that they're not claiming gives me more leverage here

yes by this very logic you are quite heavily implicated, still

if they claim it, then town chooses to kill me, i flip green, they insta die

where as i know if town chooses to lynch the other gunsmith claim they will flip red and thus it all worked out

indeed, if you are green, you are green.

ill give u a gun again if u convince ur mafia partner to give me the other gun

give me a chance to shoot them

a cute ploy, i suppose

to be maf my partner would have to be you, i think.

its not a ploy. i just want a gun.

why? i can tell you it ain't all that great. nothing even happens. this place is already a ghost town.

it felt good to see osiris get popped know i provided the popper

i wanna do the popping now

nobody's been popped

guess u can't shoot ghosts
we're in the wrong game. i wanna be egon

u guys shouldnt have killed @Vanilla_Town he wouldve posted

i think if anything that auto clears me just by itself.

i hate afk games and nma isnt an afk gamer

you also screech about winning so i think i'd not auto clear you for eliminating one of the likeliest reasons you lose.

this also auto clears me as nma is awful at mafia and him causing chaos by spamming nonsense would hide my nonsense very easily

for example, you, as mafia, would recognize my plainly telegraphed motive to shoot osiris because of his opposition with nma, then you kill nma, and give me a gun and watch me shoot someone who is town but my crime of passion is going to take over anyway

i'm being a little dramatic here because osiris is mafia but also deserves to be put down, even as town.