Site design

He’s all the worst aspects of SO personified

Oh, you want to do X?

You shouldn’t want to do X. Here are all the reasons X isn’t good. We don’t support X and your thinking is wrong.

With these people you just have to ask basic questions and hide your thought process. They will use whatever extra info you give them to avoid having to do any actual work/ problem solving

i find most of the devs on this project annoying and elitist.

Yea they’re cunts

I knew when I posted my bug thread and they moved it to “feature” subforum

Thread moving is NOT ok.

[\ -\/\[-\`\:-\@\{-\~]

Can you explain how this matches ?

but question mark gets caught in this filter.

 def symbols_regex
    /[\ -\/\[-\`\:-\@\{-\~]/m

  def seems_pronounceable?
    # At least some non-symbol characters
    # (We don't have a comprehensive list of symbols, but this will eliminate some noise)
    @text.gsub(symbols_regex, '').size > 0

Thought I was average at regex but man that confuses me.


You can’t have a post size lower than 1 for obvious reasons you need to submit something. But this function removes certain symbols like ? Then counts. Getting 0 for the post size.

In pretty sure we can just override this function but I would like to understand how that regex even works lol

Yeah I was there but it doesn’t explain.

Yeah I was there but it doesn’t explain

I am showing the shorter expression

oh these fucking popout things i couldn’t even tell the url changed.

is there some type of symbol range that i just didn’t know about

Yep this was the answer

It’s matching ascii 58 thru 92

Which actually now seems weirder because that includes full alphabet of capital letters