sleep thread

Tbh the thing that helped me go from 2-3 hours a night consistently to 4-6 was smoking pot. I tried a handful of sleeping meds and gotta say they always just made me feel 10x worse than if I stayed up the entire night. Not much else really helps me.

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dont go straight from screens to bed. as far as caffeine, donā€™t take preworkout n shit past like 3/4pm or youā€™ll be wired.
ativan helps some people wind down/sleep, but zopiclone is one of the more common sleep aids. both are prescribed in relatively small doses. there are also teas that they market as for sleep that have some truth to them depending on whatā€™s in them. as people have mentioned, routine is pretty importantā€¦ iirc the time you wake up > time you get to bed

melatonin and Benadryl are the only sleep aids Iā€™ll use but thatā€™s only when Iā€™m trying to wake up early and need to go to sleep earlier than normal

using a benzo for sleep is just retarded I know people do it but I really donā€™t recommend it at all especially if you use it more frequently than like once every couple weeks or once a week max

I usually drink a 8oz~ cup of coffee, workout, then have a glass of almond milk and take some melatonin.
My ability to sleep easily probably stems from the fact that I usually only get six to seven hours of sleep a night.

benadryl luuul

most sleep medication considerably decreases quality of sleep in terms of the memory encoding and processing that normally takes place during sleep

melatonin isnt terrible but most sources are overdosed (3mg+ instead of 0.3-1mg) and using them at the wrong times could disrupt your circadian rhythm

caffeine will decrease sleep quality to some extent up to around 6-7 hours before sleeping unless you have the gene that processes caffeine extra fast

weed decreases sleep quality to some extent, idk timing

alcohol is pretty bad for sleep unless you drink only a moderate amount like 5-6 hours before

just be a str8 edge upstanding citizen

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But if you really need to sleep for one or two nights, alcohol and weed will do the trick.

For long term sleep help, I have no idea.