slowdive thread~

Big Precipitation fan here.

no it only rains for like a month out of the year

hate this dry snow it drift everywhere

it doesn’t really flood out here too, I think we get mudslides and shit up in the mountains but in the city it’s fine. Vegas was worse it rains for like a month straight like crazy and the entire east side of the city will flood I remember like 2011 there were parts of the city under like 8 feet of water or some dumb shit the water was above cars

in like 2015 in Vegas it did the dumb rain until floods shit and I was driving through it trying to pawn a gun to buy heroin and the water was like 2-3 feet almost above my wheels

shit got into my spark plugs and like one or two of my cylinders were missfiring or not firing and I was just driving through this fucking flood in my 91 ford escort

There is going to be a lot more flooding in california in the next 10 years

says who


are u serious or what

yeah says who cuz I’m saying there will be NO flooding in the next 10 years

found a list of the coolest ppl on this site @yns @SOPHIE @big_ass @ian @old_electrowizard_acc @anon_yang @a2pas @iaafr

I have no life

Me neither

two relevant songs

I am briefly visible in this video

What time?

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