slowdive thread~

What kinda job if u dont mind me asking publicly

Knock em out champ

My rework training got pushed up to week after next so I’m not gonna get back to Missouri right away but I’m sure I’ll be back this year

started a new job, got a car, need a phone next

also been using discord of a dead game in place of this board, about 50% less racists and really dumb people so its pretty nice


What do you do again?

Dumb people DansGame

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I help minorities sell their bodily fluids to European billionaires


Gonna go out to all the centers this year to help them set up their new fluid suck system

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Pays significantly better than postmates

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This isn't fair, i've gotten to see my bloody valentine but i dont know if i'll ever get to see slowdive.

on a hillside i remember

i am loving losing life

authentic icy



all these games on fucking steam sale i want and cant get

BUT i just got a 50 dollar board game for free - @yns why are loss protection so bad at their jobs ?

it depends on how you're stealing and the frequency of how often you're doing it. if you're stealing the correct way you're probably like literally going in there, grabbing what you want to steal and essentially walking out with minimum time spent in the store and barely, or not concealing it at all. this limits the chance of LP spotting you on cameras and deciding to watch you, or someone catching you concealing what you're stealing. the trade-off is that if you're doing this regularly and often it may be hard to catch you but once they notice what you are doing all it takes is them noticing you walking into the store and you're generally caught. the worst thieves are the ones who go into the store, grab something and walk around looking at cameras and employees thinking they need to not look suspicious.

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ty for the tips actually :ok_hand:

best part is i used to work here and im very good at appearing completely nonplussed and non suspicious

I wouldn't even worry so much about that as long as you can keep your cool and you're not dripping sweat looking around as soon as you walk in the store you're probably fine. in general ive found the best way is to just already know what you're stealing when you go into the store and walking directly to that item, walking away immediately and going into an area of the store on the way to the register to remove any security tags or quickly put it in your pants and then just walking out. if its a small item with no security tags dont even conceal it, just walk out