Small business, usa residency... Baton Rouge?

Ban test fuck shit

Perhaps Colorado

I just gotta get some fighting game black folk.

Black folk gives me a bit here and there. Would probably increase with some brothers on my sign from fighting games. @LuckyArtist you play mario smash? I just need ur pick and we'll be rich

bro they don’t have black people in Canada

there’s a big difference between the token blacks in Canada and the black people in fucking baton rouge LMAO

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my view of baton rouge is entirely based on their rap artists so you’d get either jumped by hoodrats or the feds and they’d send you straight back to poland even if you were canadian citizen

isnt that everywhere basically now?

they do, our BLM are the craziest actually

Above: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Though well-known for its diehard sports fans, excellent cuisine, and epic tailgates, Louisiana’s capital Baton Rouge has leveraged its film production industry, research university, existing tech incubators, and low cost of living to become an emerging southeastern hub for the video gaming industry.