iaafr literally copying my strategy from last game

No idea why the mods allow this shit

anyways iaafr is scum lynch this n-wrod

lynch iaafr

Do you even know the origins of the word idiot

lets just get him out of the game i dont wanna read 2k posts a day

hes as likely to be scum anyways

as anyone else that is

i apologize it was a joke

It’s what slavemasters would call the slave whores who couldn’t speak

Is that what I am


do you really mean this

I’m not laughing

ill post my role pm

@friend do you want me to post my role pm

you have the final say here

Y does this have to be one of those games

Where I’m the mute slave whore and ur the ogi game ruining slavemaster

because im unironically triggered by friend random lynching me for posting a lot when he’s just a dumb fucking faggot bitch who plays a third of the game he signs