She could still he into you. Dont join goyclub because of her
See you confuse loneliness with not being a fat piece of shit that has to rage a constant war against Burger King.
Frankly Jones and i can do whatever we want. Life really is amazing when you don't have three different flaps of skin hanging from your stomach.
Your life is amazing because you have the freedom to get loli tattoos?
I guess when your currency devalues by 90% every year its hard to really give a shit about the long term
What you call freedom i call having no purpose whatsoever
It sounds like you are upset that i have the freedom to be obese and you cant afford to be
I've given up several times in my life dude. But i couldn't ever imagine being such a fucking loser that lets himself hit 400 pounds as a 20 year old male. It's amazing how you're even able to come in here and be somewhat coherent. Inspiring even.
You did not make any points in your paragraph. You lose!
You know that people like you were straight up killed like 500 years ago?
Its 2022
No amount of calculus will ever make up for how much of a subhuman you are.
There is definitely some amount of calculus that would
Your insults are so bad holy shit
That's too bad. I'll make sure to come up with better ones the next time i decide to acknowledge your existence.
Why are you guys so grumpy? We are all friends here.
Opposition to the Goy Club? Are you going to call it the Jew Club?
@kanyewest I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE The funny thing is I actually can't be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda
Real kanye tweet btw