Terry Davis (TempleOS creator) Death Notice


YouTube started recommending his vids to me yesterday.

Best comment:
"And the dentist's office never called back to confirm an appointment ever again..."

fuck bros i remember the day he died, i miss him so much.

why are people pretending to care yospos was following him since losethos at least in 2009 or so and now its like a ton of people who are obsessed he said the n word online mourn his death

I guess it's just sad that if he got the help he needed, he might have done great things.

He had all the help in the world until people started bothering him. He was living comfortably until he had to start recording his donations on his taxes

Well he didn't deserve to die alone like that.

He was living on welfare in a low maintenance community and had family visit him

I guess you know a lot more about his situation than I did.

never heard of this guy till now spent some time watching stuff on him. Interesting person.
