Texas Justice [Day 1 & Postgame]

Huh. I guess I had it backwards

Not using twitter means that you have even less of an excuse for being a moron, yet here you are.

I'm going to get roleblocked somebody else will need to take the shot

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You have the smallest window of me. Get real and touch whatever local equivalent you have to grass.

You are so scummy bro I saw your little last game

It’s you and kkat isn’t it

There are hundreds of types of grasses along the Nile.

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There’s no way he isn’t several floors below ground level with the way he behaves

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No its me and nyte

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Bazingaboy with the hand rub meme

Logical fallacy. I don't need a bigger window of you to tell you that constantly accusing people of having popular mental illnesses when YOU also have the "smallest window" of them yourself is retarded.
You really dug yourself into a corner here. Now lie in it.


The worst part is that you're not even coming up with something clever. If you were funny you'd get a pass, but alas...


This game is ruined.
I plan on shooting whoever tonight.
Unless I figure out what the host was actually doing.


you waste a ton of my time and grief my overall experience so getting to do a microcosm of it to you can be enjoyable to be honest

Basically, thanks for that attention I ordered.

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I’m not proud of it though. Certainly not rising above here

Cope harder. Everyone on this forum hates you forever.


Yeah I’m sure you’re the most rational player in the game too pal

game really going places

best i can do is
i shoot kkat or bazinga

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