The Dissonance of Jones

Its not poor logic to think that ■■■ sucks dicks. Anyone with a dick has experienced a ■■■ blowjob.

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what do you mean by that

Sometimes i wake up and there is lipstick on my pelvis and i know that slut visited me in the night

This should be a 1v1 permaban lobby.

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Nmaganes full name including post got flagged and removed, great.

Dm me

feeling confident for the future based on the actionable solutions coming out of the lounge thread for ideas on how to Fix the mind of Jones and integrate them into civil online society

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Nyte i really think you can fix him girlie

Also no offense but you were kinda the one to mess him up in the first place so hes kinda your responsibility to fix now

No offense of course

this goes much deeper than that, which is why you weren't given permission to view or participate in the thread

The Lack of Reverse cowgirl has him teetering on the edge of insanity...


Youre a nonce

Congrats on finding a 2 year old thread.


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Apologies nma. I deleted my tasteless posts.

I removed them, no flag

No it's awesome when I'm being doxxed while living in a country where you get disappeared for online posts (One of my cousins got arrested and disappeared for posting anti-government on facebook)

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Unbelievable but that’s the American difference so I’ll air on the side of caution!

I haven't seen that thread.

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