The Fall of Minecraft's 2b2t

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@big_ass you might like this vid.

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Of course admin sophie trolls my thread. This is a genuinenly incredible video that i enjoyed and felt as if you would too.

Same. Considering that he is a coder.
10:00 is very cool.

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I finallly watched it, vid was reasonably interesting, I have seen his videos before and he tends to be a little histrionic. I think this sort of video would be better made by someone more technical & with some storytelling ability, unfortunately it's unlikely any such person exists on 2b2t because they are all ultra maladjusted

I think that sophie should apologize



Explain how its literally possible that this is happening again

@SOPHIE why snow fall down?

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#GuessTheGame #300

:video_game: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

#GuessTheGame #299

:video_game: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Off topic posts.

Admin sophie do something

i dont even know where that is it just had the 'vibe'


God bless Texas.

you know what’s a really strong number? 874.36. large sum but not so large you can’t get a handle on it, lots of syllables, big wide numerals, but the decimal confers a real sense of finesse. you’re a large quantity but you need to specify a hundredth? oh, there’s a story here

#GuessTheGame #300

:video_game: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: