The International 2022 - Live Discussion

Challonge still up?
Goated March madness site

here's a blank bracket

you guys might just have to fill it in yourselves on ms paint, challonge is a good idea too

my picks

Tundra 3-2 Liquid

1st Tundra
2nd Liquid
3rd EG

@KrazyKat @Osiris @kat @Plasma1337 @SOPHIE @Miku @Vanilla_Town

lets see those brackets

I hardly know any of these teams let alone players. I submit mine as a copy of kats. He can title me whatever he wants if he wins

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What TSM and new Quincy already out? I'm not following ti

Woooowww NA is eating shit

Imagine spending all that money for fuck all when mexicans go deeper for less hahahahaha

Eh @Sammyboy ? Hahahahaha $5k my nuts ■■■■■■ I got rank 250 mesikans for $25 a month

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not watching the second dota

ping me for the rio major bracket challenge

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I didn't even buy the battle pass this year.

Did you play gloomwood yet stupid idiot?

i played the demo didn't buy EA yet I did buy cultic though


I will seriously cry if Arteezy doesn't win the international this year.

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Is that the one that looks just like Blood: fresh supply?

I will cry if he does.

Either way i will cry.

"LMAO teez dawg crushing this kid mid" - rainbow circa i have no idea