The International 2022 - Live Discussion

13 minutes. Will Gaben grace us with his presence?

Wow the arena is shit.
They could fill a football stadium but TI is in this hall?
I've been in bigger bars.


EG have the ugliest jerseys ever.
They look like cafeteria server uniforms.


and they used to have such awesome ones

they look like an Indian cricket team now

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The old jerseys looked like football/hockey/nba jerseys.

they do be looking quite ugly

lets fucking go EG!!

EG live on mainstage rn if anyone didnt know

this ti is pretty lit, invoker, shadow demon, leshrac, doom. all i need is bounty hunter and they covered all my favorites, at least refreshing to not see spirits mid in every single game

jakiro honorable mention

My missing faves are warlock, lich, and carry shaker when echoslam was good.

i like lich too he was my go to when my teammates were all picking cores and you needed a lane winner. boring as shit but he got the job done when you needed to be buying/upgrading the courier and warding by yourself. he plays way different now with his lure ability

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carry shaker is cool the first time you see it but it gets kind of lame seeing someone delete heroes with one button over and over again

lich gonna have your mama was a lane winner back in the days.

abed seems pretty bad but im also territrash now so take it with a grain of salt. constantly ghostwalking against a bloodseeker and zeus seems like poor spell selection

too bad I have to sleep soon
have to get up early tomorrow

does pangolier get serious armor/magic armor bonuses when he goes armadillo? seems like he should be getting blown up but just rolls around with impunity

Yes he gets damage reduction from all sources when he uses his bounce

Arteezy didn't buy any damage items. Unlucky but he will win the next game.


that hero seems pretty nuts, like a better version of qop basically