The International 2022 - Live Discussion


Arteezy's salary is more than both teams budgets combined.

DotA is a fucking joke economically. Its not a real sport.

guess its time to import pervuians instead of eurotrash L9oomrqafo

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what does that mean

money doesnt buy you wins when in any other sport it does.

F4L be like *picks windrunner* Accidentally wins le game


Really hoping for a tundra win

Not sure who I am rooting for anymore.

OMG Jenkins different hair every day.
What is his malfunction?

The applause sounds totally fake. Sad.

how does slacks have a job lmao

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reddit panderer

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Be nice

at least purge had stats this guy is a professional cringelord who can't even handle the slightest bit of non cooperation from people when he acts like a toddler

jdance defending slacks is not on my 2022 list

Yeah he slobbers on Gaben's dick to try to keep himself relevant and keep getting hired.

if you watched 10 seconds of him you would be finding out where he lives from a arbys picture he posted

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jdance doxxing slacks could actually be a redemption arc

The best people for this cast are in Oslo.

i dont understand