The International 2022 - Live Discussion

What is slacks

siractionslacks is an esports 'personality' who specializes in being incredibly ■■■■■■■■ and annoying

i like gamers gaming for paychecks but the bloat approaches dangerous levels when people like slacks are continually hired as 'talent'

Slacks, Kaci, and the casters are in Singapore at the event.
The rest of the people are in Norway.

oh word thanks

Don't hope for the analysts interviewing the players live.
And there will be no guest panelists because they are on the other side of the world.

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that's a shame. eliminated players joining the panel was always a highlight

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I agree.
This whole thing is a shit show.
And I miss sheever interviews. She asked real questions.
Not "How do you feel?" stupid questions.

2 bad plays from ace and it’s pretty much gg

go EG!!

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Is Sheever alive? Last I followed dota she had cancer


Go cheap south american labour

thanks for posting

It was a hoax. You missed the apology post


what it was fake?

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yeah to scam people out of donations

you’ll never hear anyone talk about it though. it was memory holed.

no way

Yes way.

Memory. Holed.