The Shinigami Fan Club (EX.Tatsu Ed.)

existing in public :distant:

on the real though i got nothing against people vomiting in public i just personally hate throwing up, could never force myself to do it no matter how bad i knew i needed it

i've just started getting into anime can i get any suggestions? ive really enjoyed ghost in the shell death note and just watched black magic m66 tonight. nothing too over the top with gasps please it's pretty deflating

i remember being very drunk, walking into denny's, sitting down and ordering food, nothing out of the ordinary here, it was during a time when i was a relatively high functioning alcoholic

but then there's a period i don't remember when the :face_vomiting: occurred

i guess i passed out at our table while waiting for the food, and then some girl came over to attend to me because she was concerned for my wellbeing

my friends told her to leave me alone and not to bother me, she ignored this warning because she thought she knew better and awakened me at which point i ran into the women's bathroom and threw up all over it

the next part i remember is being escorted out the denny's and then my friends telling me what happened

idk i don't really watch any anime because i don't like serialized content, most of it as far as i can tell is full of fluff and bad writing

the only anime things i've liked are standalone works like ghost in the shell, akira, & miyazaki movies

akira is good i watched that the other night. i just asked because i've mostly ignored it completely. we probably have pretty similar taste

actually i take that back i want to watch this show:

Mad Bull 34

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Annoying thread for people who are annoying

also whatever preconceived notions i have about anime are probably colored from reading too many @KZZ posts and observing Jack(y) " EternalEnVy" Mao's horrifying behavior

i'm scared that if i start watching more of it ill turn into him

Yeah my only real bad incident in the depths of my alcohol infatuation was when people decided to wake me up instead of allow me to stay asleep on their couch.

Was a private room and I ended up spewing chunks everywhere.

People these days just have no sense on how to manage drunk idiots smh

I bet a drunk shinigami would snap someone’s neck on accident if they tried to wake him up :star_struck:

look at this fucking movement

it's perfect

he does wakeup dp

true those are fates worse than death

shoutout to @Shinigami's girl @Rachel


Karate-ka here



not only is this guy a monster, he has a monster name!