The site is dying

No I just want you gone really.

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It will stop the site from dying. Nobody wants to be in the same room as you, unfortunately.

Nobody is in the same room as me. Saying that I’m the reason the site is dying is a logical fallacy, you should try to look for other reasons because you’re simply wrong. Your obsession (and claim that you’re not working on improving the site because I “discouraged you” some how - a great way to avoid responsibility so you could play more Tom Clancy by way - when in reality you’re just either lazy or not talented enough to work on the improvements yourself and have to wait for roragok to do everything as you’re not even the site owner) isn’t helping much either.

Not to interject but you seem to have the biggest problem with Nmagane and then project your personality onto others which is usually a good indicator of poor empathetic capabilities.

why are you back so soon

What do you mean

thought u left to live somewhere without internet for a year

It has very shitty internet and I did

Nmagane still not banned lmao

I think a lot of people have this “its nadota, why do anything” attitude with regard to pretty much everything on the site (moderation, site improvement, community building)

It’s not nadota. Nadota died. This is a chance to do something new. Something better.

I think if you want to make a site like this good you need to make an effort to cultivate the community you want and sometimes that means removing toxic elements

There’s a way to do it where it’s not unilateral and you do it with community support but you do at a certain point need to take the lead and let people follow

And the arguments against it I have seen are wrong - about half are just not aware of the extent to which the person is toxic to the site; other half are just blindly sticking to the “why do anything” mentality which will ultimately lead this site to the same fate as the old one

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*Begins slow clap

Gaslighting. The other site went down after J lost interest.

The other site was on a long and steady decline which predated J by several years

You only think that as you never assimilated with the culture and were always an outsider.

That’s not meant to be a personal insult by the way hahaha! Just calling it as it was in the old days.

He wanted to be an outsider Benny, I think that’s an intentional thing he did

You’re wrong. He may intentionally and pathetically refuse to dedicate himself fully to a personality or person or cause now but back then he was clammering for an in. What was your username by the way? Just whilst we’re on the subject hahaha!

I was not in