@theodore's Tribunal Thread

That isnt psychopathic. Its just drug addict behavior

Nooo you can't have extreme opinions about anything!! That's psychopathic! It completely removes all good faith from everything you've ever said and done before!

@Nyte WIFOM. It's Wifom. Everything you've said here today.

Just do it better. I'm an extremist and it's barely an issue

I'm predisposed to committing petty, victimless crimes. And I love it

@Nyte you're. wrong.

I am the most un-psychopathic person on this forum.

Did you guys finally tucker yourselves out? Nap time?

Does whoever gets the last word in win? I’ve been biding my time up until now hoping to claim my first dub here and establish something of a winner reputation for myself

Invite you’re friends

It directly drives activity so it’s a good thing!

1 Like

i tried - they're reclusive

I have never once napped. Doesn't work.

i have regenerated in naps. i am genetically predisposed to having sex with your mom

What the fuck? I meant to type genetically predisposed to naps.

Sleep -> Wake up -> Get shit done. Nothing in between.



3 Dondi posts telling Kyle to kill himself
2 flagged Jdance posts and
1 flagged YNS post talking about doxing nmagane

The second two were honestly more jokes than the other one and joking is allowed here

But MODERATOR WARNING if you are in here telling people to kill themselves without being able to fall back on the "it's a joke" defense your account will get timed out (again)

Thank you!

flagging this

No encouraging mentally ill people (everyone on this forum) to kill themselves

I think we are pretty permissive with everything else, you can say a lot of funny stuff here. Go ahead and say it we won't stop you